Travelling abroad for work? Why not try our new Grab & Go’ service with our EU+ Summer Saver offer
1 July 2024

Travelling abroad for work? Why not try our new Grab & Go’ service with our EU+ Summer Saver offer

1 July 2024

Last month we launched an additional global connectivity service for business travellers - Grab & Go – which you can read more about in this blog: Telecom26’s new Grab & Go’ service for businesses whose team travel abroad.

Grab & Go was developed following requests from our existing, and potential, business customers.  Interest has been extremely high with organisations of all sizes from around the world actively looking to reduce their roaming costs – and keep their employees connected to high-speed, reliable and secure networks.

Many of these companies are new to Telecom26, and Grab & Go has given us a great opportunity to demonstrate that operators like us that are hungry for their business are, in a nutshell, different to the traditional incumbent operators.

So, if you need connectivity for a limited period whilst you’re travelling for work – or would like to try our service, then Grab & Go is the ideal solution. It will give you an outstanding experience – and show you how your team can benefit from the global connectivity we provide.

At Telecom26 we are all about customer service, and exceeding the expectations of our customers, time and time again. We know that our role is to keep you, and your devices, online wherever you are in the world. With prices agreed in advance, there is no bill shock with Telecom26.

And to prove it, for both new and existing Telecom26 Customers, we have our EU+ Summer Saver: Half Price Data until the end of the year…

Enjoy seamless global connectivity with selected Telecom26 EU+ monthly or grab & go bundles and get an incredible 50% discount.

This special offer is open to new and existing customers placing orders for any of our EU connectivity services during July and August 2024 and the discount applies until the end of the year. Stay connected with Telecom26 for less.

Please get in touch to find out more.

About Grab & Go

Grab & Go provides business travellers with time-limited, pre-paid eSIMs which enable high-speed, cost effective data connectivity for people when they are travelling abroad – for a specified period of time, so covering them for the duration of their trip.

Grab & Go eSIMs are easy to download and activate and can be used alongside the SIM cards already installed in a device switching to Grab & Go when people travel abroad. They can be bought in batches by your company, and allocated to users when needed.

Using a local carrier usually only really makes sense if someone is travelling to a neighbouring country – and sometimes not even then. If you are going further afield, chances are, your home operator won’t have the best rates. Never forget that roaming is a cash cow for traditional operators!

Plus, who needs the worry of whether a domestic carrier will have a roaming agreement in place in every country to provide network coverage and speedy down and uploads whilst abroad?

Likewise, buying a local prepaid SIM card seems like a good idea if you can face the queues at the airport. But really this is only convenient for when you’re visiting one country. Users need to be alert when visiting areas that are close to country borders as it’s easy for phones to jump to other networks not aligned with the prepaid operator’s packages, something that will gobble up your data and push up costs immediately. 

Other drawbacks are that most large local carriers charge more, cover less, and don’t remember your name when you call. Worse, Travel and Tourist SIM card offerings rarely give you portal access for enterprise-wide control and transparency into your organisation’s usage, billing, and services.

Perhaps you, your manager and CFO see high phone bills as a cost of doing business. But it’s certainly an unnecessary expense! 

Grab & Go eSIMs – ready-to-go eSIM data connectivity for short periods

Grab & Go eSIMs can be bought in batches by businesses and then issued for a specified number of days with different data allowances available. For example, 10GB in the EU for 7 Days The days and data quota can easily be activated when a user arrives in a new country, region, or continent. Once activated, the agreed package is available for the specified period and expires when this ends.

Once the single-use eSIM has expired, it is deleted from the portal and will not be visible. The activation period is for 12 months, after which the eSIM expires.

The Grab & Go difference:

  • Global Connectivity – Grab & Go eSIMs can access more than 650 mobile operators in 200+ countries and territories through Telecom26’s global service. They automatically switch between available networks to ensure the best, and most cost-effective, coverage.
  • Businesses can purchase pools of data packages and allocate them to team members when required.
  • QR code based and On-demand activation – easy and quick for people to start using
  • eSIM-based – no need to be switching out physical SIMs
  • Enable you to keep your existing domestic contract and switch to Telecom26 when you are travvling
  • Flexible data connectivity – no long-term commitments or contracts for businesses

  • Reseller options - Packages are available for resellers, allowing you to serve a number of enterprise customers and businesses, with management through our portal.

Telecom26 and global connectivity

Telecom26 offers a full range of telecom services and connectivity options including 5G (where available), LTE-M, Wi-Fi, private networks, 2G, 3G and 4G, as well offshore connectivity capabilities and GPS tracking.

Our customers include businesses of all sizes across the world, OEMs and NGOs who want a single delivery partner, cross-border solutions and network coverage that is secure, resilient and can be tailored to meet specific and evolving needs.

Want to chat?

Like your global travellers, our team are always on the move and will be attending AIDS 2024, Munich, 22-26 July where they will be discussing our digital healthcare global and IoT connectivity services. If you’re going to Munich too, then please get in touch.

Alternatively, you’d like to organise a video call to discuss how we can help improve the global connectivity of your team when they are out and about, including maritime connectivity, please get in touch.
Ready to talk?

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