Travel eSIMs for business travellers – cost, convenience & better service driving growth
16 July 2024

Travel eSIMs for business travellers – cost, convenience & better service driving growth

16 July 2024

IoT insider has written an interesting piece about travel eSIMs following a recent webinar led by Kaleido Intelligence, a telecoms research company. Our global connectivity team also attended the webinar and read the associated white paper prepared by Kaleido titled “Travel eSIM - revolutionising roaming and maximising opportunities for operators”:

Kaleido spoke to 5000 worldwide travellers in 20 countries to help form its view on the market and found that:

  • The value of travel eSIMs and roaming retail spend will hit $30 billion by 2028, with an additional $6 billion in wholesale roaming revenues.
  • The average travel eSIM spend per trip is $16 while the average roaming spend per trip is $41.
  • Convenience, better service and cost are the main drivers for people switching to eSIMs when they are abroad
  • A not inconsiderable number of users report that a poor experience is behind their reason not to use roaming services. This is highest in China and India, where travellers are also more concerned about security than travellers from other countries

Interestingly Regina Gonzalez, Roaming Business Manager at Telefónica, is quoted in the IoT insider article: “From an MNO point of view, we had the debate: is it (travel eSIM) a threat or is it an opportunity?  We’d like to say it’s an opportunity because there are now new options to create income. We also believe travel eSIM is going to coexist with improved roaming offers.” 

Given that roaming has always been a cash cow for traditional operators like Telefónica, it’s good to see an acknowledgment that roaming offers can be improved…

Telecom26, business travellers and global roaming

We agree with Kaleido’s findings – but we realised this years ago and have been striving to offer a differentiated service ever since. Providing quality connectivity at a competitive price with security in-place for business travellers is one of Telecom26’s core services.

Perhaps you, your manager and CFO see high phone bills as a cost of doing business. But it’s certainly an unnecessary expense.

With Telecom26 there is none of the bill shock that too many people have experienced when using the roaming service of your domestic carrier. Or picking up a local prepaid SIM which can also be costly with patchy coverage and non-existent customer service. 

At Telecom26, we offer a range of packages that ensure that your people, and the devices they use, are always connected to our global data service, wherever they are in the world – with rates to ensure you avoid the costs of unexpected bills.

And, you can choose solutions that work alongside your existing mobile subscription, so you can switch to Telecom26 when travelling – and back to your domestic provider when you return.

Users of our global data service can access the networks of more than 650 mobile operators in 200+ countries and territories. Our SIMs and eSIMs automatically switch between available networks to ensure the best, and most cost-effective, coverage.

And, as for service – most travel SIM providers are focused on consumers. They don’t offer the service and support that a business should expect. We do, with dedicated teams you can reach, when you need to. That makes a difference for your business – providing reassurance and consistent service performance.

Telecom26’s business traveller services

Our Grab & Go service was recently launched following requests from our existing, and potential, business customers.  

Grab & Go provides business travellers with time-limited, pre-paid eSIMs which

are easy to download and activate, and can be used alongside the SIM cards already installed in a device, with users switching to Grab & Go when they travel abroad.

Grab & Go eSIMs can be bought in batches by businesses and then issued for a specified number of days with different data allowances available. For example, 10GB in the EU for 21 Days.

The days and data quota can easily be activated when a user arrives in a new country, region, or continent. Once activated, the agreed package is available for the specified period and expires when this ends. In other words, perfect for when you’re abroad for an event like the three-week   D’Italia bike race in Italy - or a business trip to China.

Grab & Go complements our Enterprise Data Extra global connectivity service which you can read more about in this blog: Telecom26 makes life easier for business travellers who need fast and cost-effective connectivity with Enterprise Data Extra.

Telecom26 and global connectivity

Telecom26 offers a full range of telecom services and connectivity options including 5G (where available), LTE-M, Wi-Fi, private networks, 2G, 3G and 4G, as well offshore connectivity capabilities and GPS tracking.

Our customers include businesses of all sizes across the world, OEMs and NGOs who want a single delivery partner, cross-border solutions and network coverage that is secure, resilient and can be tailored to meet specific and evolving needs.

For new and existing Telecom26 Customers – our EU+ Summer Saver: Half Price Data Until Year-End…

Enjoy seamless global connectivity with selected Telecom26 EU+ monthly or grab & go bundles and get an incredible 50% discount.

This special offer is open to new and existing customers placing orders during July and August 2024 and the discount applies until the end of the year. Stay connected with Telecom26 for less. Please get in touch to find out more.

Want to chat?

Our team will also be attending AIDS 2024, Munich, 22-26 July where they will be discussing our digital healthcare global connectivity service

If you won’t be in Munich and would like to organise a video call to discuss how we can help improve the global connectivity of your team, and their devices including IoT and M2M, when they are out and about, including maritime connectivity, please get in touch

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