Grow your business with Telecom26Benefit from our global network

Telecom26 offers wholesale solutions for service providers, delivering per network, volume-based data-only eSIM packages for your customers.

Our global reach brings you outstanding data coverage, increasing your options and enhancing your portfolio with new options for global roaming.

(e)SIM-based solutions complement your range of services and give you more options for flexible connectivity, backed by a growing, agile partner for your business.

Give your customers an alternative when roaming

Outstanding data coverage

Telecom26 provides (e)SIMs with cost-effective Pay As You Go rating models to our wholesale partners.

With our per network rate plans, you can buy connectivity and easily allocate (e)SIMs to your users, with full control through our portal.

Our mobile core and global coverage give you an outstanding platform to drive new business and deliver better value roaming for your customers.

Roaming data solutions

  • Country-based wholesale price list
  • Simple (e)SIM management and activation
  • Prepaid wallet for easy allocation and cost control
  • Use Telecom26 connectivity alongside existing services/providers
  • Partner tiers to deliver even more benefits

Low monthly commitment

We give you affordable prices so you can easily extend your business and launch new offers for your customers.

Pay-as-you-go flexibility

With PAYG, your customers benefit from flexibility, while you can target offers for different regions, countries, and events.

Global roaming connectivity

Reach more than 650 connectivity partners, depending on their configuration and offers selected.

Ready to talk?

We are here to help!
Let us know how we can help your project.