This week our team of maritime connectivity experts will be attending Asia Pacific Maritime’s Future Of Vessels - Solutions For Tomorrow event which will be bringing together key decision makers from across the industry for three days of debate and discussion in Singapore from 16-18 March.
The organisers are clear, declaring that “As the industry discusses new possibilities and change, it is now more imperative than ever for the community to embark on achieving real results and make real progress”.
We agree! Far too many fleet owners are stuck with the traditional providers of Maritime Connectivity - and missing out on the faster, more reliable, more cost-effective services of Telecom26.
And so our team will be there discussing our portfolio of Maritime Connectivity services including maritime cellular communications with attendees who will include the owners, managers and users of Cargo Ships, Passenger Vessels, Offshore Vessels, Workboats and Naval Ships.
Telecom26 - Our Maritime Connectivity Services
As a global maritime cellular operator, we offer bespoke maritime and marine communications solutions that integrate inbound and outbound roaming, with full support of data services.
A range of QoS options ensure that you obtain the right performance levels for each application. We offer flexible security levels, allowing you to choose the protection you need. This means you can ensure full privacy, while offering commercial services to passengers alongside data services.
You can read more about our Cellular At Sea service here.
Our Nearshore Connectivity Service is discussed here and more information about our Maritime IoT service can be found here.
Recent Enhancements to Our Maritime Connectivity Services
Upgrade of our Caribbean Data Connect service
This provides low-cost, high data usage connectivity in the Caribbean region. It’s optimised to provide a comprehensive ‘near-to-shore’ solution for data backhaul and is ideal for vessels in the Caribbean seas.
Our networks in the Caribbean now cover more countries than ever before.
With revised rates from €2/GB, Telecom26 offers global coverage for ships and offshore infrastructure, and ensures our customer can benefit from:
- a single SIM for all regions, with 650+ nearshore agreements
- ultra-competitive rates for UAE and Caribbean regions
- automatic carrier and technology switching with our router option
- highly flexible management portal with access to all sub-accounts
- complete control over your connectivity and customisable billing
- significant cost savings and short-term, low-risk contracts
- routers ready for super-fast 5G connectivity
- no data throttling
If you’re not going to the show in Singapore this week but would like to discuss how our maritime connectivity services can improve communications at sea and in-port, please get in touch.
We will also be attending Posidonia, the international shipping exhibition in Greece from 6-10 June.